Who can stop an epidemic or a pandemic? Scientists who study public health issues are called epidemiologists, or scientists who study infectious diseases. They study how a disease spreads and how to effectively stop it. Dr. Fred Soper (1893-1977) was known for his public health work, especially in fighting malaria and yellow fever in Brazil. He was known as the Mosquito Killer.
Soper graduated from the Rush Medical College at the University of Chicago in 1918. In 1920-21, he worked in Brazil to try to eradicate the hookworms epidemic from the general population. Much of the work was public health education campaigns. Essentially rural Brazil had few clean bathrooms, so hookworms were rampant in the soil and easily transmitted to others. He worked with cities and villages to build and maintain clean latrines. This photo shows a young Brazilian boy holding a board displaying all the hookworms removed from his intestines by the doctors of the Rockefeller Institute.
A 9-year-old Brazilian boy holds a board displaying hookworms removed from him. National Library of Medicine.
Soper then set to work on the “jungle yellow fever” epidemic and the malaria epidemic, both borne by mosquitoes. He earned a reputation as the “Mosquito Killer” for this work. One of his strongest skills was as an administrator in charge of officials who went out to fight the mosquitoes. They searched for standing water where mosquitoes might breed, and searching rivers and streams for the mosquitoes. While they were concentrating on the Yellow Fever problem, mosquitoes arrived from Africa: Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, the most efficient malaria vectors, were indigenous to Africa. But in 1930, Raymond Shannon, a Rockefeller Foundation entomologist, discovered that sgreen免费破解(apparently recently arrived from Africa) were breeding in Natal, Brazil. Three weeks later, a severe outbreak of malaria was underway there.
The threat was under-estimated and the government didn’t take necessary steps to kill the mosquitoes. It took another 14 years to eradicate the mosquito from Brazil and prevent any more malaria outbreaks.
Egypt, 1943. Mosquito inspector checks a puddle for mosquito larvae. National Library of Medicine.
MY STEAM NOTEBOOK briefly sets up the stories of ten American scientists, using primary source documents. Fred Soper’s story, diaries, and notebooks is just one of the scientists represented. Kids will learn how to make scientific observations and how to record those observations with text, drawings, descriptive and expository writing, and photography.
See Sample Pages from MY STEAM NOTEBOOK
Enjoy! Darcy
Mims Kids
GUEST POSTS:朋友伞都用的什么tz?ios的,之前充值的sgreen现在服务器都没有了,q...:1楼: 朋友伞都用的什么tz?ios的,之前充值的sgreen现在服务...6楼: https://my.lanshuapi.com/aff/MJQN我现在用这个 The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
Recently, I had a chance to read “The Durable, Dynamic Nature of Genre and Science: A Purpose-Driven Typology of Science Trade Books” by Professor Laura May and five of her Georgia State University colleagues. The article appeared in the September 2025 issue of sgreen免费破解版, which is published by the International Literacy Association.
I’ll be honest. The title gave me absolutely no hint of what the article
was about, but I trusted the person who sent it to me, and the term “science
trade books” sounded promising. So I decided to give it a whirl, and boy am I
glad I did.
The article describes a study in which the six researchers read and analyzed the 400 children’s books that appeared on the National Science Teachers Association’s (NSTA) Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12 (OSTB) list between 2010-2017. This list includes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry titles.
In a nutshell, the researchers identified two broad, function-based categories of science books for children:
Accepted Knowledge: These books explain/describe
widely-accepted science knowledge or concepts and typically have an expository
writing style.
Accepted Knowledge
Lived Lives of Scientists: These books explore the nature of
science or scientific inquiry (how people develop and change scientific
understandings). They feature a narrative writing style and generally have a chronological
sequence text structure.
Lived Lives of Scientists
The researchers divided each of these categories into various subgroups,
which they call “genres.” Overall, the “typology” the researchers developed to
better understand the range of OSTBs has a lot in common with my5 Kinds of Nonfiction classification system, which is both exciting and reassuring.
5 Kinds of Nonfiction
According to the researchers, the takeaway for teachers is that they can
and should “leverage science trade book genres to support the different
components of science education.” In other words, all the OSTB books have
educational value, but should be used in different ways based on their
characteristics. While Accepted Knowledge books work well for introducing and
reinforcing NGSS’s Disciplinary Core Ideas, Lived Lives of Scientists books are
generally better suited for demonstrating the NGSS’s eight Science Practices in
But there’s also a takeaway for the creators of these books. The
researchers’ genre categories reveal patterns, or trends, that are worth
studying because they show what works. They provide an overview of the
techniques children’s book writers have used to present the “what” and “how” of
science in manuscripts that were acquired by publishers and then selected as
models of excellence by NSTA’s panel of experts.
Thank you, Dr. May, for giving science writers a powerful new tool for thinking about how to organize the ideas and information we collect and then select a lens for sharing the science concepts and processes we’re passionate about with young readers.
Melissa Stewart is the award-winning author of more than 180 nonfiction books for children, including Pipsqueaks, Slowpokes and Stinkers: Celebrating Animal Underdogs, illustrated by Stephanie Laberis; Can an Aardvark Bark?, illustrated by Caldecott Honoree Steve Jenkins; and the upcoming title Seashells: More than a Home, illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen. Melissa’s highly-regarded website features a rich array of educational resources for teaching nonfiction reading and writing.
GUEST POSTS:NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
A few years ago, I read a letter Rachel Carson
wrote to her dear friend Dorothy Freeman in a book called Always, Rachel. In her letter, Rachel and her niece, Marjorie,
affectionately called Marjie, came across a firefly while at her summer home in
Southport, Maine. Around midnight, Rachel and Marjie headed down to the shore
to secure Marjie’s son’s raft.
On the shore, they turned their flashlights
off and saw a sea filled with diamonds
and emeralds. It was bioluminescence, most likely a form of marine plankton
called Dinoflagellates. Rachel joked how one gem took to the air! It was a firefly who thought the flashes in the water were other fireflies signaling to
him. Here is what she wrote:
“It was one of those experiences that gives an odd and hard-to-describe feeling, with so many overtones beyond the facts themselves. I have never seen any account scientifically, of fireflies responding to other phosphorescence. I suppose I should write it up briefly for some journal if it actually isn’t known. Imagine putting that in scientific language! And I’ve already thought of a child’s story based on it—but maybe that will never get written.”
Rachel and Marjie rescued the firefly but
sadly, her family was plagued with illness. Marjie died from pneumonia the
following year leaving Rachel to adopt her grandnephew, Roger. Though Rachel
did write about teaching children about nature, it’s easy to speculate why this
project was never completed. So, I wondered what kind of story would she have
Rachel had a strong notion that simply
exposing children to the environment would create a natural sense of wonder in
them. She believed that once you are
aware of the wonder and beauty of Earth, you will want to learn about it.
A scientist and author, Rachel also believed
in protecting the world around us. She wrote Silent Spring, a world-renowned book published in 1962. It launched
what many consider to be the start of the environmental movement, or as one
editorial put it, “a few thousand words
from her and she changed the course of the world.”
I hope that by sharing her strange and wonderful experience, we
honor Rachel’s ideas to expose our children to nature and remember to support
their natural sense of wonder. We might even ask them, if they witness
something strange and wonderful, what kind of story would they write?
Shana Keller lived less than twenty miles
from Rachel Carson’s homestead in Springdale, Pennsylvania while writing this
book. Like Rachel, she has a deep love of nature and the ocean. Shana continues to write books for children
and young inventors and observers of nature. She is happy to share her
experience filing a patent for her own invention. In addition to Fly, Firefly!, Shana wrote Ticktock Banneker’s Clock, a Best STEM book(Sleeping Bear Press, 2016),
and Bread for Words; A Frederick Douglass Story (Sleeping Bear Press,
2025). For more information, please visit her online at www.shanakeller.com.
GUEST POSTS:朋友伞都用的什么tz?ios的,之前充值的sgreen现在服务器都没有了,q...:1楼: 朋友伞都用的什么tz?ios的,之前充值的sgreen现在服务...6楼: https://my.lanshuapi.com/aff/MJQN我现在用这个 The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
Guest post by Laurie Wallmark
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved math. While
other kids were playing outside, I’d be working my way through books of math
puzzles. I think I read every math book in our public library, even though most
of them were way (way!) above my head. I always thought I’d be a mathematician
when I grew up, but I took a detour into computer science instead. In spite of
this, my love of math has never gone away.
As a children’s author, I wanted to make sure children
realize that anyone, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, etc., can grow up to
be a mathematician. But how do I do this?
I decided to write a picture book biography, Numbers in Motion: Sophie Kowalevski, Queen of Mathematics, about an unsung woman mathematician. I’ve previously written biographies of mathematicians, but these women were known for their accomplishments in computer science, not math.
Sophie’s road to becoming a mathematician was not an
easy one. In order to study outside her Russian homeland, she couldn’t travel
without a man, so she participated in a sham marriage. Once in Germany, she was
allowed to take classes, but couldn’t receive credit for them. At another
university, she wasn’t even allowed on campus, so a professor gave her private
lessons. Just as she was about to hand in her doctoral thesis, she found out
someone else had just published the same research. She had to start all over
again. Not wanting to take any chances this time, she did original research on
three problems. Talk about determination.
Sophie Kowalevski’s most important discovery was how to use mathematics to describe the motion of rotating solid bodies, like planets, footballs, and spinning tops. This was a problem so difficult that it stumped other mathematicians of the time, the 1800s. In fact, it was known as the mermaid problem, because like that elusive mythical being, just when you thought you found the solution, it slipped out of your reach.
I hope that when children read Sophie’s story, they
realize that although life may place obstacles in your way, you never know what
you’ll accomplish if you persevere.
Numbers in Motion: Sophie Kowalevski, Queen of Mathematics (Creston Books) releases March 3, 2025, but is
available for preorder now wherever books are sold.
author Laurie Wallmark’s picture book biographies of #WomenInSTEM (Ada Byron
Lovelace and the Thinking Machine, Grace
Hopper: Queen of Computer Code,Hedy
Lamarr’s Double Life, And Numbers
In Motion: Sophie Kowalevski, Queen of Mathematics) have earned
multiple starred trade reviews and many national awards such as Cook Prize
Honor and Outstanding Science Trade Book. Laurie has an MFA in Writing for
Children and Young Adults from VCFA. She frequently presents at schools,
libraries, and national professional conferences (NSTA, NCTE, ISTE, TLA, etc.).
She is a former software engineer and computer science professor.
Find Laurie online at her LaurieWallmark.com, Facebook or Twitter
Mims Kids
GUEST POSTS:NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
A picture-book biography about Samuel Morse and his team’s
game-changing telegraph system hits the STEM criteria right from the start.
S? Check! Morse explored the science of electricity and made it useful for the first time.
T? Check! He helped develop a new technology with its own techniques, skills, methods and processes for code-based communication.
E? Check! His team engineered entirely new devices and systems to solve the problem of slow information exchange.
M? Check! Of course, there’s math! Morse calculated and figured and number-crunched like crazy to stretch wires from coast to coast and beyond—and to make it a worthwhile investment.
In researching Samuel Morse, That’s Who!, I learned
that he didn’t start out as a STEM superstar. Not at all. Rather, Morse’s impressive
record of failures on his way to success caught my attention.
I first discovered the trail of Morse’s “accursed life” (as
biographer Kenneth
Silverman called it) while I was researching materials for my book Noah
Webster’s Fighting Words at Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book &
Manuscript Library. The facility there holds the most famous portrait of
Webster, painted by one Samuel F. B. Morse.
My curiosity sparked, as it often does at the start of a new book,
with a question: How was one of America’s most lauded inventors also such an
accomplished artist?
Samuel Morse’s masterpiece, “Gallery of the Louvre 1831-33” failed to launch his fine art career as he’d hoped. Public Domain. Image courtesy of the Terra Foundation for American Art via Wikimedia Commons.
Morse needed to fund his artistic dreams with more than the meager
income of portrait-painting. So, he did what many people in post-colonial
America did: he tried to invent a big money-maker.
Spoiler-alert: he failed.
He failed again and again. Even when he landed on the idea of an
electromagnetic telegraph machine with a binary code system, he encountered
miscalculations, bad timing, faulty materials, and other serious setbacks while
trying to make the whole concept work. It seemed like the telegraph would be
one more clunker to add to his list.
But he kept at it.
And he kept at it, for several years.
By the time he succeeded, he’d set aside his paints for good and redirected
his creative talents.
To me, Morse’s persistence as well as his ingenuity tells a true
STEM story. These “habits of mind” can reveal how an individual addresses
STEM-related problems, according to Carrie Launius and Christine Anne Royce in
their article “sgreen下载_Ⅹ-art_冬镜搜搜网_第1页:2021-1-22 · sgreen下载链接Ios 相关热点 Ⅹ-art Sgreen加速器官网 landeng破解版 安卓版 nutsvp.net官网 SGreen绿叶下载 加速器vnp无限 国外 sgreen暂停服务一个月 蚂蚁vp(永久免费) 绿叶加速器 聚合伢化的内容 干净的搜索结果 保护你的隐私 ...” on the National Science Teaching
Association’s blog (January 13, 2025). They write that STEM books can “teach
resilience, grit, and determination…and assist students in understanding that
failure may be part of the real-world STEM process.”
These honest STEM stories give us permission to fail, assess, and
try again. Students need to know that mistakes or setbacks aren’t necessarily all
bad—they can be opportunities to learn, grow, change, and improve.
In my school presentations, I like to share my manuscript
revisions so students can see the writing process—the wild brainstorming, the
different forms and approaches, the additions and deletions, and the editorial
teamwork that turns a manuscript into a book.
Revision is about trying many, many ways to tell a story.
Thomas Edison said, “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways
that won’t work.” That’s the attitude that seems to permeate the stories of
most successful inventors.
They keep at it.
I hope my books encourage readers to do the same.
Tracy Nelson
Maurer has written more than 100 nonfiction books for children, including the
award-winning titles Samuel Morse, That’s Who! and sgreen免费破解版 (Henry Holt). Her next book, Lady Bird Johnson, That’s Who! (Henry
Holt), launches Winter 2021. She loves talking about the writing process and she’s
especially looking forward to the STEM-book discussions at the 2025 NSTA
Convention’s Linking Literacy event on April 4, in Boston.
Samuel Morse: A STEM Success Story of Failure Learn more at green加速器安卓破解版. Follow her on sgreen内测版下载ios and Twitter (@ReadTracyMaurer).
Mice On Ice: Anita Sanchez
GUEST POSTS:NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
Glaciers are big. Well, that’s a bit of an understatement. A glacier
can be a million tons of massively moving ice. Glaciers are so immense that
when I set out to write a book for young readers about them, I was daunted by
their sheer size, their massive scope. How to do justice to glaciers in mere words?
Where should I begin, to introduce such a remote topic—after all, most children
have never laid eyes on a glacier. How to get kids to warm up to such a cold
Then, as I delved deeper into the subject of glaciers, I
realized that I couldn’t just write a book about all the fun and interesting
facts, the incredible beauty, the amazing wildlife. I had to address the most
significant issue of our time. Glaciers aren’t just big in size, they’re also
of huge significance since they are the proverbial canary in the coal mine—their
unprecedented rates of melting are warning us that our planet is in crisis. I
couldn’t write about glaciers without writing about climate change.
These adorably fuzzy little balls of green fluff are as close as anything in the plant kingdom comes to being a mammal. They’re a type of moss, but they’re known as glacier mice–no kidding, that’s really what scientists call them.
So how did a little ball of moss get onto a glacier? The glacier mouse started out as a tiny moss spore, drifting over the ice. It avoided fissures and crevasses and somehow managed to plunk itself down on a pebble, where it sprouted little root-like hold-fasts and tiny leaves, small as mouse’s ears. Eventually it grew into a fuzzy, mouse-sized ball of moss. The dark leaves absorbed sun, melting the ice under them and providing water for the mouse to drink, so to speak. But the round little mouse is only attached to its central pebble, and a gust of wind can roll it across the snow. Whole herds of glacier mice roam across the glacier, wandering wherever the wind blows them. The glacier mice live for decades, thriving in this most barren of all habitats.
These tiny, resilient mice hitching a ride on the giant’s back
were, for me, a way to begin to write about glaciers. By starting with these
little scraps of life, I was able to take the first step in introducing readers
to the complex web of life in and around glaciers. The tiny green mice were a
way to link young readers to the immensity of the glacier. Eventually I worked my way up to tackling a
description of the dire problems of climate crisis.
In the classroom, whenever I try to get kids interested in
science, I start with nature. With a bug, a worm, an acorn—something they can
hold in their hand, a real specimen that they can see and smell and touch. That
initial contact with the natural world is often what awakens a child’s interest
in the broader and more daunting scientific concepts. From exclaiming over the
sliminess of a worm, they can move to an understanding of decomposition. From
the spicy scent of a pine cone, they can move to learning about life cycles of
Anita Sanchez is especially fascinated by plants and
animals that no one loves. As an educator for the NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation, she developed curricula for science programs
serving thousands of students. Decades of teaching outdoor classes have given
her firsthand experience in introducing students to the wonders of nature. She
is the award-winning author of many books on environmental science for children
and adults.
Her middle-grade nonfiction book SGreen app - GetBingo!:对不起,没有找到相关内容!请更换关键词搜索,或刷新本页重试。 will be published by Workman Press in spring
Her most recent book is Rotten! Vultures, Beetles,
Slime and Nature’s Other Decomposers (HMH for Kids, 2025)
Mims Kids
green加速器安卓破解版NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post sgreen安卓安装包.
When I was a kid,
I made a “telephone” from a shoebox and mounted it on the wall in our family’s
apartment. My daughter once made a drum set using trash cans, paper plates,
sticks, and an abundance of tape. Children are naturally driven to invent,
build and create, and these skills are now seen as vital to their development
as future innovators, problem solvers and leaders.
Several years ago,
while doing research for a freelance writing assignment, I discovered the Maker
Movement and became obsessed. I visited makerspaces, attended Maker Faires, and
met both adults and children engaged in crazy-cool projects. Some involved
technology like Raspberry Pi and 3D printing, while others were low- or
no-tech, such as cardboard cities and Rube Goldberg machines.
The Makers I
interviewed were motivated by a variety of reasons. Some liked to experiment
with new technologies, while others wanted to improve upon existing designs or
bring to life ideas from their imagination. But while their interests and skill
levels vary, they share a collaborative spirit and almost everything is open
source. An added bonus is the environmentally friendly emphasis on recycling
and repurposing materials!
I knew I wanted to
write a children’s book about a girl who embodied the can-do attitude of these
Makers, optimistically believing that failure is never a reason to quit. As a
writer, my first draft is never perfect and my stories improve with each
revision. Similarly, my character would view each “flop” as just another step
in the process, providing valuable information along the road to success. And
of course, her projects would always be over-the-top creative, ambitious and
loads of fun! That girl became Maxine.
Maxine likes to
make things, but not in a crafty sense. She prefers gears to googly eyes and
circuits to coloring books. She deconstructs and reconstructs, tinkers, tweaks
and hacks. Like the real-life Makers I met, Maxine embraces new technology and
is all too familiar with failure. Educators will appreciate that she
intuitively uses the Engineering Design Process* not because she’s following
steps she learned in school, but because it makes sense and actually works.
Since its release
I’ve heard from many parents and educators about kids’ projects inspired by Made
by Maxine. (Chelsea Clinton tweeted that it’s a favorite in her house!) I
often raid my recycling bin for materials I can bring to bookstore and library
programs, where my storytimes include a “Maker Challenge.” I’m always delightfully
surprised by the creations that result.
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: A new Maxine Book!
There will be a
follow-up Maxine book coming out in early 2021! I’ve just seen the
illustrations and they’re spectacular – Holly Hatam’s art is whimsical and
clever, adding so much delicious detail for readers to explore. I can’t wait
for you to see it!
sgreen无限试用 from Engineering is Elementary, developed by Museum of Science, Boston
ASK: What is the problem? How have others approached it? What are your constraints?
IMAGINE: What are some solutions? Brainstorm ideas. Choose the best one.
PLAN: Draw a diagram. Make lists of materials you will need.
CREATE: Follow your plan and create something. Test it out!
IMPROVE: What works? What doesn’t? What could work better? Modify your design to make it better. Test it out!
About Ruth Spiro
In addition to Made by
Maxine, Ruth is also the author of the popular Baby Loves
Science board book series, published by Charlesbridge.
Titles include Baby Loves Aerospace Engineering, green加速器安卓破解版 and Baby Loves Gravity. This spring she continues in
her signature style of introducing complex subjects to little listeners in a
new series, beginning with 体彩中彩网走势图|3d中彩网106期:有限公司体彩中彩网走势图,中彩网韩挚预测,主营中彩网明天双色球预测,中国中彩网官方网站,服务试机号和开机号中彩网,双彩论坛3d字谜专区中彩网,福彩擂台赛中彩网,销售3d常规走势图中彩网,中彩网首页开奖,中彩网首页hpzcwThe
“Baby Loves” series is illustrated by Irene Chan and Greg Paprocki.
A frequent speaker at schools and conferences, Ruth’s previous presentations include the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Children’s Festival of Stories, Maker Faire Milwaukee, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the World Science Festival. Ruth hopes her books inspire kids to observe the world, ask questions, and when it comes to their futures, DREAM BIG!
Connect with Ruth here:
Website: www.RuthSpiro.com
Twitter: @ruthspiro
Instagram: @ruthspiro
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RuthSpiro.Author/
Mims Kids
8 STEAM Authors Recommend Classic Books : Groundhog’s Day
I’m a member of the SteamTeam2025, a group of authors with STEM/science related books that release in 2025.
Science/STEM authors join together to promote their 2025 books. It’s an amazing list of children’s science titles. Click to see the list.
In Bill Murray’s movie, Groundhog’s
Day movie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_(film)), he repeats the
same day over and over. I asked members of the SteamTeam2025 this question: What
science book for kids do you (could you) read and re-read over and over? Why?
Kourtney M. LaFavre: Snowman- Cold=Puddle. It’s a delightful blend of science, math, and poetry.
sgreen ios 破解版下载: Water is Water by Miranda Paul. It’s lyrical, fun to read, and has gorgeous illustrations. I loved it the first time I read it. I think of the work more as art than as science.
Kirsten Williams Larson: I love PLANTS CAN’T SIT STILL by Rebecca Hirsch, illustrated by Mia Posada (Millbrook, 2016), a lyrical look at the many ways plants “move” without having feet at all.
Buffy Silverman: Winter Bees & Other Poems of the Cold by Joyce Sidman. Delicious language, variety of forms, journey from the depths of winter to almost spring, clear and compelling sidebars which add a wealth of scientific background.
Jeanne Zulick Ferruolo : The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon: The Story of Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins by Bea Uusma Schyffert. This book is filled with fantastic pictures, sketches, charts and drawings by Astronaut Michael Collins about his trio to the far side of the moon as part of Apollo 11. The very personal nature of the book is the most appealing.
green加速器安卓破解版: Giant Squid by Candace Fleming I love how Fleming uses rich language to convey the magic and mystery surrounding these colossal deep-sea denizens.
Janet Slingerland Hammond The Street Beneath My Feet by Charlotte Guillain (illustrated by Yuval Zommer). When I was a kid, I always loved the books that gave you a look inside things you can’t normally see. I also remember watching Land of the Lost, where characters get lost in a land deep within the Earth. This book combines those two things, except it offers up factual information about what we might find in the earth beneath our feet.
Lindsay Hanson Metcalf also recommends, The Street Beneath My Feet by Charlotte Guillain, illustrated by Yuval Zommer (words & pictures, 2017). The immersive, fold-out layout gives the reader the experience of digging through the Earth, exploring fossils, archaeology, Earth’s layers, and more. It covers so much that it begs for repeated readings.
GUEST POSTS:手机应用软件排行榜下载_手机游戏排行榜-口袋手机 ... - xp ...:2021-9-24 · 口袋下载排行榜提供安卓与苹果的最新最热门手机应用与手机游戏排行榜。 建议使用IE8伡上版本或Chrome、Firefox浏览器访问本站,获得更好的用户体验。 The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
When I first
proposed Dog
Science Unleashed: fun activities to do with your canine companion
to National Geographic, they came back to me with the instructions that I
should prepare an outline for a paired book on cats. I balked.
“A book of
activities for kids to do with their cats? Really? I’m not sure the cats are
going to be on board with this plan.”
They assured me they
always did pet books in pairs, and that I would think of something.
When working on my
dog book, I would have various dogs come spend the day with me. The dog had a
playdate, and I did research, a win for everybody. But it was a whole different
deal with the cats. Most cats are uncomfortable outside of their territory, so
there would be no dropping them off at my house. I had to go to them.
The first three cats
I went to see refused to come out from under the bed for the entire hour and a
half I was there. The next pair I visited were willing to tolerate my presence,
but turned their nose up at every treat and activity I had brought. The cats
that followed were quite clear on what activities they would not do, what they
would only do if they thought I wasn’t watching, and what they might do with
their owner, but only if I stayed away.
It turns out that cats do NOT respond differently to silhouettes of angry cats versus friendly cats (no matter how many hours you spent carefully drawing and cutting the pictures
There are lots of
guides to interesting activities to do with dogs. There are not very many for
cats. I had to start from scratch with almost every activity Cat Science
Unleashed. I would start with an interesting fact about cats, and then work to
find a way to use it in an interesting way. Gradually, I began to develop a
list of useable activities.
Or express their displeasure that you have moved the furniture.
I hope students will
see that even the “failed” research taught me something. It was only
through the activities that didn’t work that I was able to develop the ones
that did. In that sense, there were no failures. Only one more fun day with a cat.
Jodi Wheeler-Toppen
is a former science teacher and the author of the Once Upon A Science Book series (NSTA
Press) on integrating science and reading instruction. She also writes
for children, with her most recent book being Cat
Science Unleashed: Fun Activities to do with Your Canine Companion. Visit http://OnceUponAScienceBook.com
for more information on her books and staff development offerings.
The Art of Observation
GUEST POSTS:NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
When I committed to telling the story of Maria Sybilla Merian’s remarkable contribution to the understanding of insect metamorphosis (The Girl Who Drew Butterflies: How Maria Merian’s Art Changed Science), I realized two things were crucial: I had to use both text and art to convey my message (as she did), and I had to follow in her footsteps by raising caterpillars myself.
As a writer/researcher working in
the 21st century, I have access to the latest technology, including
Google searches, digitized academic papers, and actual videos of butterflies
sliding out of their pupae. Maria, who lived from 1647-1717, had none of this. She
had no database to work from, aside from a few difficult-to-find volumes by
other insect enthusiasts. She had no GoPro to film the continuous development
of her caterpillars, which were hidden away in boxes in her kitchen. Insect
study was a risky sideline for her at first. Her main source of income was her
art, and—as a middle-class woman of her time—she was not supposed to be
dabbling in any sort of science, much less that of “evil vermin.” She had to
gather her caterpillars discreetly, she had to actually sgreen安卓版 them to
learn about them, and, in addition to all this, she had to quickly paint what
she saw to document her research.
She had her own keen power of observation,
and she had her paints. That was it.
I can’t paint, but I have a camera.
And I have a pair of eyes. So, in the midst of all my research—museums visited,
books read, endless facts chased down—I ordered a little cupful of Painted Lady
caterpillars online, installed them in my porch, and began to watch them. Oh my
gosh, how they consumed me! I brought them leaves. I posed them on sticks to
photograph them. I talked to them. I asked them to sgreen内测版下载ios wait until I was
in the room to perform their miraculous transformations (they rarely did).
I missed a few crucial moments, but
I did have an exciting moment of discovery one day. A newly emerged butterfly,
expanding its rumpled wings, began to curl and uncurl its proboscis (straw-like
tongue). But . . . the proboscis was forked, like a snake’s! What??? I rushed
to the internet to make sense of what I was seeing, and learned that many
butterflies need to “zip up” their probosces upon emerging, in order to use them
to suck nectar. What a thrill to have made this discovery first-hand! Even more
thrilling, I later found evidence in Maria’s art that she’d observed this behavior
this as well.
What I learned was that in the end,
some of the best science comes from two things: your own eyes, and a way to
document what you see so you can share it with others. This was Maria’s method,
and it became mine as well. I watched, and then I used photographs, prose, and
even poetry to convey the wonder of what I’d seen. In the process, I developed
a passion for insects that changed my understanding of the natural world.
It’s my hope that a book like The
Girl Who Drew Butterflies will inspire other young naturalists to find
interesting things to watch—and to record their discoveries in any way they
choose. If we can instill a passion for first-hand observation (and subsequent
story-telling) in our students and readers, we will have fostered a generation that
both sees and treasures the natural world.
Portraits of Joyce Sideman on Friday, Dec. 8, 2017, in Wayzata, Minn. (HMH/Andy Clayton-King)
Joyce Sidman’s books have won a Newbery Honor (Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night) and two Caldecott Honors, and in2013, she received the NCTE Award for Excellence in Children’s Poetry for her body of work. Her latest book, The Girl Who Drew Butterflies: How Maria Merian’s Art Changed Science, recently received the Robert F. Sibert Medal from the American Library Association. Joyce also teaches poetry in elementary schools through the COMPAS organization of St. Paul, MN.
Mims Kids
Curiosity, Creativity, and Connection
GUEST POSTS:NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
the Secret Power of Science Writing in Your Classroom
Cheryl Bardoe and Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano will present
a session at NSTA with the above title. Join us for strategies and classroom
activities to help your students write about science in ways that engage them
and their readers.
Bardoe: Finding the “Hook” in Science Writing
I love research. I love asking
questions and ferreting out the answers. The challenge then is to sift through
the myriad of factoids to craft compelling stories. As I wrap up the research
phase, I take a step back and ask:
What is the most exciting thing I’ve learned?
What has been the biggest surprise to discover?
Why is this topic important?
Journaling helps me process and prioritize information—and by the time I’m done, I know where I’m going to start each story. In writing about 18th-century mathematician Sophie Germain, I was impressed how her determination led to a breakthrough on what was considered to be an impossible puzzle. Hence the title and text refrain, sgreen安卓版. With Behold the Beautiful Dung Beetle, I was inspired by the pivotal role these insects play in ecosystems. Thus the text, “One animal’s waste is the dung beetle’s treasure.” The story line turns the tables so that readers can view things that are often considered ugly—beetles and dung—as beautiful.
Teachers can use this approach to help students write
about animal life cycles, volcanoes, gravity, and any STEM topic. After
students gather their information, invite them to free write around these
questions. This process of synthesizing and prioritizing information helps
students understand their research topics at a deeper level. It’s also an
opportunity to express big ideas from their research in their own words, taking
an important step away from the words of others that they may have transcribed
when taking notes. Then when students start writing, they can look in their
journals for an idea to hook readers at the beginning their reports/essays/nonfiction
stories. The rest of their information can flow from there. Helping readers
connect to the material is the key to making science writing compelling!
Another secret to creating powerful nonfiction is found in the
images that often accompany text. These include photographs, illustrations, and
imagery found in metaphors, similes, and analogies. Work on my first national
book, Big Bang: The Tongue-Tickling Tale of a Speck That Became
Spectacular–expanded my own abilities.
Here’s a passage from the book. Michael Carroll’s illustration
“Picture a balloon with dots all over it. The balloon is like empty space. The dots are like galaxies. The dots start out close together. However, as you blow up the balloon, the dots get farther away from each other, just like the galaxies in the expanding universe.”
Initially, this illustration concerned me. The image depicts the
passage of time. Here, the galaxies stay
exactly the same. Yet in reality, they change. Would this image create a
misconception? It might… but Mike, a talented, experienced artist illustrator,
had a more immediate concern. I’ve kept his insight in mind in all of my
projects since.
Generally, an effective (nonfiction) illustration focuses on one
key idea aligned to the text. Given the context, did it make sense to introduce
galactic evolution in this picture? (Nnnnooo.)
While sometimes it is appropriate to tweak details for
accuracy, all writers—authors, teachers, and students—are wise to consider
illustrations as simplifications aimed at increasing our audiences’ ability to
grasp main ideas. Because of this, choosing images is a lot like selecting
metaphors and analogies. Any one image or analogy can’t represent all aspects
of the phenomenon it illustrates. Effective writers and readers are aware of
these limits, and choose carefully within these limits. As we see with Cheryl’s
storytelling thoughts above, we see that effective communication involves
careful, yet subjective, selection of which details to emphasize.
You can bring this lesson to life with this
classroom activity, which involves any thoughtfully chosen
images from nonfiction text, first shown out of context. In the activity, you
use three simple questions adapted from Harvard University’s Project Zero
resources to guide students to consider the details of an image, their initial
interpretations of the image, and questions about it. Next, you lead students
to examine the text that the image was intended to accompany. They can consider
the content of both the image and the words and compare their initial responses
to what the image’s intended meaning. As critical thinkers, they are empowered
to consider whether they think their own interpretations are enhanced by this
pairing of text and image, and the extent to which they think illustration
and/or text might are effective.
By beginning with strong visuals and putting students’ meaning-making front and center of the
literacy experience, this lesson promises to engage students who may be
intimidated by or otherwise disengaged from the text; give them a new way of
approaching and strengthening their own reading, writing, and, more generally,
STEM authors and educators Cheryl Bardoe and Carolyn Cinami
DeCristofano, M.Ed., first collaborated over a decade ago on a project funded by
the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Pixels and Panoramas, which helped teachers
and students investigate how examining the relationship between parts and
wholes could deepen student understanding of science and art.
Bardoewrites literary nonfiction that synthesizes
science, math, history, and culture for young readers. Her award-wining books
include Nothing Stopped Sophie: The Story of Unshakeable Mathematician
Sophie Germain; China: A History; Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans
of the Ice Age; Behold the Beautiful Dung Beetle; and Gregor
Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas. Her books have been recognized by the
NSTA, NCTM, NCTE, ALA, and Bank Street College, among others. As a teacher of
writing, Cheryl encourages writers of all ages to have fun and be confident in
their own unique voices.
Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano Known for clear metaphors and their lively voice, Carolyn’s books for curious kids include the IRA (now ILA) Notable Big Bang! The Tongue-Tickling Tale of a Speck That Became Spectacular, the widely acclaimed A Black Hole is NOT a Hole, National Geographic Kids’ Ultimate Space Atlas, and contributions to HarperCollinsChildrens’ popular Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out-Science series and the Engineering is Elementary curriculum storybooks. Her work has been recognized by many literacy organizations, and has been translated into several languages. Also a STEM education consultant, Carolyn works nationally with schools to bring dynamic, clear, and inspirational professional learning to K-8 teachers and to research and develop leading STEM curricula. She began her career as a museum educator, first with a small nature center in Connecticut and later with the Museum of Science, Boston, where she led exhibit-based educational programming, worked in exhibit development, and served as the Professional Development Director of Engineering is Elementary. She has served as a researcher and developer for Harvard University’s Project Zero, TERC, Citizen Schools, WGBH Boston, and numerous other institutions. She now offers author programs and curriculum and professional development services through two organizations that she co-founded and co-runs: Blue Heron STEM Education and STEM Education Insights. She is also in training to become a mindful awareness facilitator for children and the broader community. Her diverse interests are tied together by her passion for helping ignite curiosity and overall well-being in children and the adults who serve them by fostering learner-centered, empowering experiences and environments. Contact her for information about her author visits and educational consulting at carolyn@bhstemed.us.
Mims Kids
Bringing STEM Work to Life: Deborah Lee Rose
GUEST POSTS:NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
Kids I meet when I speak at schools love to ask me, “What is your favorite children’s book?”
Since the age of 9, my favorite children’s book has been Charlotte’s Web. You won’t find this beloved story of friendship and the power of words in the categories of science or engineering, but maybe it belongs there as well. E. B. White was meticulous about factual, scientific details of spiders in Charlotte’s Web, and used these details to help spin his fictional, emotional story. The webs Charlotte weaves in the book are marvels of science and engineering—today, real spider webs inspire and inform biologists, nanotechnologists, chemical engineers, biomedical researchers and STEM pioneers in many other fields.
I have to admit I didn’t notice the science in Charlotte’s
Web as a child. I was an insatiable fiction reader, and no one I knew was a
scientist. For me, the book was a journey of imagination to a place much bigger
than my own small world. Now as an author of STEM books, I try to create
journeys of imagination for children to places where they can explore big ideas
in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Weaving STEM and literacy takes many forms; my favorite form for bringing STEM work to life is picture books, especially using photographs of and by scientists. Children reading or looking at my book Scientists Get Dressed get to “meet” real scientists at work in places children cannot actually go, like floating out in space, clambering over a live volcano, and more. And through the book’s unique lens of what scientists wear, children—who love to dress up—can even imagine themselves as scientists and engineers making discoveries, saving lives and saving the planet.
Raptor biologist Janie Veltkamp protected by puncture-proof, kevlar-lined gloves while handling Beauty the bald eagle (Photo: Glen Hush, (c) Jane Veltkamp)
Scientists Get Dressed was inspired by real scientists and science educators I have known and
worked with closely. After coauthoring the book Beauty and the Beak: How
Science, Technology, and a 3D-Printed Beak Rescued a Bald Eagle with raptor
biologist/educator Janie Veltkamp, I found myself thinking not just about the STEM
content of Janie’s real life work, but about the clothing she must wear to do
it. To protect herself from the powerful, ripping beaks and talons of wild
birds of prey, Janie wears arm-length, puncture-proof gloves lined with Kevlar which
is stronger and lighter than steel. Meanwhile my friend Dr. Marian Diamond, world
renowned brain scientist and STEM education pioneer, wore a crisp, white coat for
her life’s work in the laboratory, and tight lab gloves to handle human brains in
the lab and classrooms.
The immediate spark for the book came when my
9-year-old grandniece showed me a photo of her water chemist mother, Dr. Lucy
Rose, wearing chest waders in an icy stream. I knew her mother did research on freshwater
pollution, but I suddenly realized I had NO idea how her mother did her work,
or what she wore to do it. “That’s what Mommy does?” I asked in astonishment. Then
began my own research to bring to life, in a book, how scientists do their work
whether they’re collecting freezing snow samples on a glacier or burning lava
samples on a volcano, being hoisted by a harness from a wheelchair to the high
forest canopy, or snorkeling with massive, endangered whale sharks.
Astronaut Mae Jemison getting dressed for spaceflight with help from spacesuit safety expert Sharon McDougle (Photo: NASA)
Christine Royce, author of the “Teaching Through Trade Books” column in NSTA’s Science and Children journal, has recognized that “While the scientists in the book include pioneers in their fields and environmental heroes, Scientists Get Dressed captures the important fact that scientists work everywhere, and are everyday people children might encounter.” One of those everyday people is Sharon McDougle, former spacesuit safety expert for NASA’s Space Shuttle, who appears on the book’s cover helping astronaut Mae Jemison prep for her historic space mission.
Water chemist Dr. Lucy Rose wearing waterproof chest waders and gloves to test for pollution in an icy stream (Photo: Ethan Pawlowski, (c) Lucy Rose)
In an interview titled “Suiting Up for Space and STEM,” on the National
Girls Collaborative Project blog for National Mentoring Month (January), McDougle looks back on her own experience and ahead at the future of STEM
work. “Space exploration is not just
about astronauts. There are
all kinds of space-related jobs that kids can imagine themselves doing, and end
up actually doing when they’re grown up,” she says. “As space exploration
technology continues to develop, new STEM jobs are being created all the time.
So a child today might someday work in a job that doesn’t exist yet!”
McDougle exemplifies how Scientists Get Dressed connects to the NGSS
standard Science is a Human Endeavor. Read my
full interview with her at http://ngcproject.org/blog/suiting-up-for-space-and-stem-qa-with-sharon-mcdougle-former-space-shuttle-crew-escape-equipmen). You can also find more resources connected with the book,
including the hands-on Scientists’ Glove Challenge STEM Activity in the free educational
guide to sgreen免费破解版 at www.deborahleerose.com.
Deborah Lee Rose, author
sgreen内测版下载iosis an internationally published children’s author and national STEM book award winner, including the AAAS/Subaru Prize and the Bank Street College Cook Prize for Beauty and the Beak, and the DeBary Award for Scientists Get Dressed. Her newest STEM/literacy book Astronauts Zoom! will be published in fall 2025, for the 20th anniversary of astronauts living on the International Space Station. Deborah was also senior science writer for UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science, where she worked with science educators, scientists and engineers to create groundbreaking STEM education projects like the national, NSF-funded STEM activity website Howtosmile.org. Her website is www.deborahleerose.com.
Mims Kids
Linking Literacy 2025
GUEST POSTS:NSTA Linking Literacy, NSTA National Convention, Boston, MA. 9 am – 3 pm, April 4, 2025. The National Science Teacher’s Association has invited authors of Outstanding Science Trade Books and Best Stem Books to discuss literacy and children’s books at a special Literacy Event. 14 of these authors have contributed guest posts to run from January 7 – April 2, 2025.
See the full author list and the date on which they’ll post at Linking Literacy 2025.
Guest Posts by Science Authors
Here’s the schedule of guest posts by these amazing authors of award winning children’s books!
January 7
Deborah Lee Rose
Scientists Get Dressed
January 14
Cheryl Bardoe and Carolyn DeCristofano
Nothing Stopped Sophie and A Black Hole is Not a Hole
January 21
Joyce SIdman
The GIrl Who Drew Butterflies
Jodi Wheeler-Toppen
Cat Science Unleashed
February 4
Ruth Spiro
Made by Maxine
February 11
Anita Sanchez
February 18
Tracy Nelson Maurer
Samuel Morse, That’s Who!
February 25
Laurie Wallmark
Numbers in Motion
March 3
Shana Keller
Fly, Firefly
March 10
Jennifer Swanson
Save the Crash-test Dummies
March 17
Alexandra Siy
Mary Kay Carson
Wildlife Ranger Action Guide
Darcy Pattison
POLLEN: Darwin’s 130-Year Prediction
Darwin’s Orchid: 2025 NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book
POLLEN: Darwin’s 130-Year Prediction: 2025 NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book | Mims House
The National Science Teacher’s Association announced the list of 2025 Outstanding Science Trade Books on December 3, 2025. Among the books is our title, POLLEN: DARWIN’S 130-YEAR PREDICTION.
Four of Mims House books have been named Outstanding Science Trade Books.
This is the fourth NSTA – OSTB for Mims House
2015 Abayomi, the Brazilian Puma
2017 Nefertiti the Spidernaut
2018 Clang! Ernst Chladni’s Sound Experiments
POLLEN – Searching for the Pollinator of Darwin’s Orchid
POLLEN: Darwin’s 130-Year Prediction tells the story of Darwin’s orchid, a Madagascar orchid and how it is pollinated.
After experimenting, he predicted that a giant moth would be the orchid’s pollinator. Darwin died without ever seeing the moth. In fact, it took 130 years before anyone could travel to Madagascar and photograph the orchid in the wild.
Eureka! Nonfiction Honor book from California Reading Association
2025 NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book
Junior Library Guild selection
You can now buy paperback and hardcover books right from this site! Thanks for your support!
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Mims Kids
Science Fiction Trilogy – 8-14 year olds
I read my first fantasy and science fiction books in sixth grade–and was hooked for life. Lord of the Rings and Frank Herbert’s Dune have been with me since I was eleven years old. I’ve read and re-read them. Perhaps that’s why I love writing scifi and fantasy for middle graders.
The Blue Planets World series. Perfect gift for the 8-14 year olds in your life.
Kirkus Reviews says, “…an astute piece of characterization…junior high readers should approve.”
The planet Rison will implode soon. They desperately need a new blue planet, a water planet. But Earth is crowded. Will humans be able to open their hearts to an alien race?
Allegorical, it examines the conflicts that inevitable arise when refugees seeks a new home. But it brings it down to a specific family: Jake Rose is the test-tube child of a human Navy doctor and the Risonian ambassador to Earth. He is caught between cultures, between the conflicting needs of both races, and desperately searches for his own place on Earth.
The Great White shark
moved silently through the surf, propelled by short sweeps of its crescent
tail. It had no conscious thought for what it was doing so close to shore. It
just hunted. The water shone brilliantly under the Milky Way, and its myriads
of stars reflected on the face of the gentle ocean swells.
Wet sand under his feet now, Jake Rose threw a
darting glare over his shoulders, and then turned to stare out to sea. He took
a deep breath, letting the salty air fill his lungs, and suddenly the longing
was overwhelming. I will go skinny dipping tonight.
Defiant, Jake removed his shirt, flip-flops, and
swim trunks, tossing them beside a piece of driftwood. He splashed into the
warm August surf until he was immersed chest-deep, and he scooped water to
splash over his shoulders, his face, and his hair.
At the sight, a shiver of fear ran down Jake’s
spine, but he was committed. Without stopping to think further, he bent his
knees and dove, arms outstretched, splitting the glittering breaker.
Underwater, Jake’s eyes adjusted to the dark.
There it was, circling. The shark’s row of teeth flickered, stark white in the
gloom. Its circle collapsed inward until the shark darted past, just a few feet
away from Jake’s face.
Time to move, Jake realized.
Quickly, Jake inhaled, the gills under his arms
undulating as they expanded and contracted with each breath. Water-breathing
through his Risonian gills felt as natural and regular as breathing air through
his human lungs. When he pressed his legs together, the villi wove together
with what his father jokingly called a Velcro system that turned his legs into
a long tail.
Perplexed, Jake waited for a repeat of the
vibration. Nothing.
Had the vibration been an attempt at communication?
he wondered. If he were home on Rison, there’d be no doubt. But here? On Earth?
Clumsily, Jake flapped his hands, sending his own vibrations through the water.
With its short fins, the Great White beat out a
series of vibrations in answer.
Jake attempted a rough translation: “Friend. We
Crude, but effective, exulted Jake. They understood each other—after a fashion.
“Cousin,” Jake called in a bubbly voice. “Before
us is the open sea. Take me out to explore!”
The Great White didn’t understand the words, of
course. Nevertheless, he swam toward deeper water, pausing now and then, as if
to be sure that Jake followed.
Jake reveled in the too-long-forbidden feel of warm
seawater buoying him upward and the joy of a strong tail that sent him coursing
behind the Great White. With wild abandon, Jake followed his guide. They were
just two wild creatures off to explore the Gulf of Mexico.
Buy the 3-Book Hardcover Set Now
Small Business Saturday – Mims House
On this Saturday, small businesses band together to make a splash! Mims House, as a publisher and online bookstore, is participating for the first time this year.
Read & Write Series – 20% off
“. . .breezy and engaging introduction to genre writing.”
“. . .useful for teachers showing early elementary students the relevancy, power, and importance of effective writing.” –Booklist 6/17/15
VERDICT: A good choice to help the visual learners write narrative essays. School Library Journal, November, 2015
“. . .fill(s) a niche for teachers. . .” – School Library Journal 5/1/15
cousins Dennis and Mellie decide to get pets, they must make hard decisions about
the best cat or dog for their families. They use nine criteria to help decide among
the breeds. Books 1 and 2 of THE READ AND
WRITE SERIES documents the struggle in opinion essays that act as mentor
texts for students writing their own opinion essays.
But the fun doesn’t stop there. In Book 3, Dennis must take his dog to the vet—if he can catch him. The adventure of getting a pet, owning a pet and caring for a pet is the backdrop for a series of fun writing lessons focused on opinion, narrative and informative essays. While the series models the entire writing process, it fills an instructional gap by concentrating on prewriting or planning before writing. In the end, though, it’s the cousins and their pets that will keep readers turning the pages.
Book 4 picks up the story when Dennis and Mellie go to Grandma’s birthday party and have to write informative essays. There’s a how-to essay mentor text for first graders and a longer informative essay for the older grades.
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When an alien family is shipwrecked on Earth, their son must figure out how to survive 3rd grade! It’s especially hard because the school principal is head of the Alien Chaser’s Society. She’s convinced that one of her 3rd graders is an alien–if she can just figure out which one.
This chapter book series is perfect for the 7-10 year old crowd who are learning to read longer books. With a reading level of 3.0, it’s a high interest story with lots of humor.
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Here’s the basic question: how will aliens manage to live on Earth? They need a way to earn a living so they can buy food, housing and make a home on this crazy planet. But what can aliens do that anyone would pay them for?
Publisher’s Weekly says book “amusing” and “engaging and accessible.”
School Library Journal Review says, “VERDICT This fun chapter book series is out of this world.”
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Shipwrecked. Befriended. Hunted.
Kell discovers that his
neighbor, Bree Hendricks, turns 9-years-old next month and she wants a party
with an alien theme. That should be simple as flying from star to star. But
things aren’t that easy: Earthling’s ideas about aliens are totally wrong.
Even worse, Principal Lynx
is a UFO-Chaser and suspects aliens around every corner.
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Fun and Humor: Super Heroes, Super Heroines, and a Parade!
For Kell, the Friends of
Police Parade is a big deal, his first Earthling parade. With Bree’s help, he
must figure out how to deal with City Hall, figure out fund-raising and find
super heroes and super heroines to march in the parade. To make things worse,
Principal Lynx believes someone in third grade in an alien, and she has a new
Alien Catcher App on her smart phone. Survival on planet Earth just got harder
for the Smiths, those friendly aliens from Bix. Will the Society of Alien
Chasers catch Kell and his family? Or will they outsmart Mrs. Lynx again.
Secrets, Giants and Alien-Chasing Dogs.
If you’re an alien on Earth, you have one giant secret to keep. After a while, even friends want to tell your secret. Kell and Bree plan a birthday party with giants—Big Foot, Cyclops, Goliath and the Jolly Green Giant—while they struggle with keeping their own giant secret. But they have an even bigger problem: Principal Lynx and the Society of Alien Chasers is back with a dog trained to sniff out an alien in a crowd. When Mom is stung by a bee, Kell must find a doctor who can keep a giant secret, too. Will Aliens, Inc. be able to pull off the Giant Party and keep everyone happy?
Kell and the Detectives (Book 4)
Fingerprints, Detectives, and a Baby Brother
Kell makes a startling discovery: he has zigzag fingerprints. Worse, Mrs. Lynx and the Society of Alien Chasers know about the fingerprints, and they are on the hunt. But the stakes are higher than ever because Kell’s mom has just laid a beautiful green egg. With Mrs. Lynx on the prowl, can Kell and Bree keep the egg safe?
The 4-book hardcover set is priced at 20% discount! Give a gift of reading!
Mims Kids
Coming Next Year: EROSION
The popular Moments in Science series will add a new title next year. This is an exciting cover reveal for EROSION: How Hugh Bennett Saved America’s Soil and Ended the Dust Bowl.
Coming in 2025, EROSION. The latest book in the MOMENTS IN SCIENCE collection.
The Moments in Science collection is about a moment in time when something changed in science. It’s about a big discovery, a big event, or some moment when the history of science was impacted. Often, the story is a small biographical slice of a scientist’s life and times. The EROSION cover, like all the books in this collection, are illustrated by Peter Willis of the UK.
Eclipse: How the 1919 Solar Eclipse Proved Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity
Mims Kids
The Eureka Nonfiction Children’s Book Award has recognized POLLEN: Darwin’s 130-Year Prediction with a Silver Honor. Given by the California Reading Association, this award recognizes the best of children’s nonfiction for the past year.
2025 Eureka Nonfiction Children’s Book Award – Silver
POLLEN is a 2025 Junior Library Guild selection and received a starred Kirkus review. Darwin predicted that a Madagascar orchid would be pollinated by a huge moth. 130 years later, German scientist Lutz Thilo Wasserthal traveled to Madagascar and finally photographed the moth pollinating the orchid.
X.morganii pollinating the Madagascar orchid | Photo by Lutz Thilo Wasserthal
This incredible photograph shows the moth before the Madagascar orchid pollinating it. The moth’s 11′ long proboscis is clearly visible. It’s inserted into the flower and will push down to the bottom of the nectary to suck up the nectar.
This book is part of the Moments in Science series, which includes Burn: Michael Faraday’s Candle, iOS手机facebook破解版加速器_360曲谱网:5天前 - 都是怎么上外网的呢手机推特加速器 8lag加速器破解 ios小火箭免费节点蓝奏云.....ios版 facebook国内可伡用吗 sgreen邀请码不见了兔子Ⅴpn 安卓手机怎..., and 换装旅行无限金币版下载- 全方位下载:2021-6-13 · SGreen浏览器 SGreen浏览器破解版 猫眼下载 猫眼专业版 猫眼app下载 猫眼安卓版 猫眼手机版 星脉有声小说app ... 2所有物资破解 2全物品破解版 泰拉瑞亚破无限道具版 我的安吉拉2破解无限版 我的安吉拉2内购破解版 ...
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Mims Kids
Hope for Kids
Hope. As a novelist, I’ve written about two children looking for a forever home, and I’m aware that I’m in a time-honored tradition of giving kids hope.
Take for example, Katherine Paterson’s description of foster children as “Kleenex children.” You use them up and throw them away, she said. Her stories about these trouble children, including The Great Gilly Hopkins, which inspires me in several ways.
Give Kleenex Children a Voice
One thing Paterson did with her stories is illuminate a character who has charm, gumption, and the need to be seen and heard. When families are disrupted by any means, it’s the kids that suffer. Divorce, death, abandonment, drug use, alcoholism–these can put children into unpleasant or even dangerous situations. In those cases, finding themselves within the pages of a book can be therapeutic and escapism in a good way.
Paterson has said that she doesn’t try to sugar-coat a situation. She faces it head-on. But literature should rise above the situation, which means she always ends with a note of hope. It’s not that the situations are easy to bear. But in the midst of difficulty, there appears to be a way forward.
I appreciated the example of realism in THE GREAT GILLY HOPKINS. But I also find it compelling to add in a note of hope. It’s not the fairy-tale, “and they lived happily ever after.” Problems aren’t ignored. But there’s HOPE, real hope that something will change. I reach for deep emotional moments where the reader connects with the characters and their hearts swell with hope that all will be well for Eliot and Alli.
eBook sale 10/17 – 10/21 ONLY $1.99 Read Today!
The ebook is on sale everywhere this weekend, with sales ending on 10/21/19.
Essay Printables: Opinion, Narrative and Informative
Printable worksheets are available to turn these books into a lesson.
Narrative, opinion and informative essays are covered in these simple, fun books about cousins Dennis and Mellie.
Book 1: I Want a Dog. Opinion essays are among the hardest writing assignments to teach. In this story, Dennis and Mellie discuss the best dog for each family. What’s important is the criteria each develops based on their individual family situations.
After deciding on criteria, it’s easy to sort through the dog breeds to find the right dog for them. The book refers to AnimalPlanet.com’s interactive Dog Breed Selector tool as a simple way to narrow down choices.
In the companion book, Book 2: I Want a Cat, the cousins discuss the best cat for each family. AnimalPlanet.com has a comparable Cat Breed Selector tool.
Together the I Want a Cat and sgreen安卓版books satisfy the Common Core requirement of comparing similar texts.
Book 3: My Crazy Dog takes up the problem of narrative essays. Good essays include sensory details: what you see, hear, taste, touch (temperature & texture), and smell. In the mentor text essay, these details are color coded to help kids notice when they are used.
Book 4: My Dirty Dog provides two different informative essays as a mentor text. The first is a “how-to” give a dog a bath, to meet the early elementary requirement of writing a “how-to” essay. The second is a more traditional informative essay for the older elementary grades.
Printables for opinion, narrative, and informative essays.
To make it easy to use these books in the classroom, we provide essay printables. These are step-by-step lesson plans for kids to use as they write their own essays. The mentor texts are fun and engaging. The 22-page printables make it simple.
The problem, of course, was World War I (1914-1918). The scientific community, though, worked around the war and Einstein’s papers eventually wound up in the hands of Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, head of the Cambridge Observatory in England. Eddington would be one of Einstein’s greatest supporters and explainers of his complex theory.
To tell the story of Einstein, Eddington and the 1919 solar eclipse, I wrote ECLIPSE: How the 1919 Solar Eclipse Proved Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. It launches on October 8 and is now available for preorder.
7EN-S1-C0010943 (929331) E: (1879-1955), at left, was famous for his theories of relativity. British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington (1882-1944), at right, pioneer Einstein and Eddington. German-born physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955), at left, was famous for his theories of relativity. British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington (1882-194 4), at right, pioneered the study of internal stellar structure. In 1919 Eddington led an expedition to observe stars near the sun during a solar eclipse. The results were hailed a s confirmation of Einstein’s 1915 theory of General Relativity, which predicted that light passing close to a large mass (like the Sun) bends twice as far as predicted by Newton’s theory of gravity. Photographed at the University of Cambridge Observatory, UK, in 1930.
Push and Pull: Explaining General Relativity to Kids
How do you explain general relativity to kids? I studied the NextGen Science Standards for inspiration and was thrilled to discover that even kindergartners study PUSH and PULL.
K-PS2-1 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions: Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.
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British illustrator Peter Willis adds humor and appeal for kids.
The story follows Stanley Eddington to Africa into the path of totality for the 1919 solar eclipse. They carried a large telescope with them in hopes of photographing the eclipse. Before leaving England, they took NON-ECLIPSE photos of the Hyades star cluster. In Africa, they took DURING ECLIPSE photos to compare. If the Hyades star cluster appeared to move, it would be proof that the star light had bent around the sun.
It was a tricky and expensive expedition. The Principe Islands were known as the Chocolate Islands because they grew and exported cacao for major chocolate manufacturers such as Cadbury. Other than commercial exports, though, there was very little traffic to the island. Once there, the tropical climate made development of the film difficult. And there was the weather.
The eclipse would occur about 1:30 pm on May 29. The morning started with storms, so cloudy that no one could see the sky. About noon, it started to clear, but slowly. Finally, just as the eclipse started, the clouds parted.
Fortunately, a second team of astronomers had gone to Brazil, the other location that would experience a total eclipse. They, too, had problems. Their main telescope warped in the heat and moisture, making all images blurry. They used a back-up 4″ telescope to take the picture, the best pictures of either expedition.
On November 6, 1919, Stanley and the other astronomers presented their results. The starlight had appeared to move. That meant the sun’s gravity had bent the starlight–which proved Einstein’s theory. The 1919 solar eclipse had changed the world forever.
Mostly found in western US, reports from Cougarnet.org confirm sightings across central and eastern states. As the territory expands for cougars, environmental experts evaluate what this means.
Cougarnet.org maintains an interactive map showing the locations of confirmed sightings of cougars. Look up YOUR area to see how many cougars have been seen. Since its founding in 2002, there have been over 700 confirmed sightings from Florida to New England to Arkansas.
Cougars (Puma concolor), also known as puma, mountain lion or catamount, once spread across much of the North and South American continents. They covered a larger territory than any other land mammal on Earth. They are about 24-26 inches tall at the shoulder, are about 6-8 feet in length, and can weigh 200 pounds.
Corridor Science is Cutting Edge Environmental Science
Many species run into problems when their habitat is partially destroyed leaving it fragmented. Populations may survive for a time in a smaller habitat, but inbreeding will soon kill it off. For species to survive, they need to move from one population safe zone to another. Like a hallway connecting rooms in a building, wildlife corridors connect pockets of populations. It’s crucial for genetic viability.
Abayomi, the Brazilian Puma talks about the importance of corridors as Brazil attempts to manage its cougar population. A cub was orphaned within sight of skyscrapers. That means the cougar family had been living alongside people for years. Nocturnal, the cougars had never been seen, even by long-time residents of the area. But when a mother cougar decided to raid a chicken coop to feed her cubs, she was caught and died, leaving the cub orphaned.
2015 NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book. This is also available as an audiobook. Click the cover for more information.
Free Lesson Plans on Corridor Science
Old environmental lessons stress the importance of saving habitat–and that’s still important. But as humans have continued to destroy habitats at an alarming rate, corridor science has stepped in to talk about how species can survive even with smaller, fragmented habitats. ConservationCorridor.org has a new database of lesson plans that are searchable by grade level and keywords such as habitat fragmentation, island biogeography, migration, connectivity, and wildlife corridors. Learn about Bear 148! Then read about Abayomi, the Brazilian Puma!
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Talk Like a Pirate Day: Girls Are You Ready?
Yo, ho, ho! Girls, are you ready for TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY on September 16 on Monday? Most children’s books feature a male pirate. But ROWDY: The Pirate Who Could Not Sleep is about Captain Whitney Black McKee, a brave sgreen无限试用 pirate captain who chases sea monsters all the way from Shanghai.
The perfect book for girls on TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY! CLICK to buy the book! Use this code for 50% discount: PIRATE.
This special day celebrating pirate talk was Created in 1995 by a couple guys from Albany Oregon, John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy. They were playing a racquetball game when one spontaneously exclaimed, “Aaarrr!”
The moment struck home and TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY was born. ), of Albany, Oregon, During a racquetball game between Summers and Baur, one of them reacted to the pain with an outburst of “Aaarrr!”, and the idea was born. They chose September 16 because it was Summer’s ex-wife’s birthday and easy for him to remember.
The pirate Captain Whitney Black McKee is feared upon the high seas. But when she comes to shore, she needs a lullaby to help her sleep. CLICK to buy the book! Use this code for 50% discount: PIRATE.
So, what do you DO on TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY? Well, you TALK like a Pirate! In this story, the Captain is SO tired that she can’t sleep. She sends her crew out to steal a lullaby. But how do thieves thieve a lullaby?
The pirate crew searches for a lullaby to help the Captain sleep. CLICK to buy the book! Use this code for 50% discount: PIRATE.
There’s only ONE lullaby which can help her sleep – her Pappy’s song. CLICK to buy the book! Use this code for 50% discount: PIRATE.